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12 May 2008

It's all relative, isn't it?

So... you thought your adolescence was a nightmare?
-- RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- Asking a woman for her number can cause a young man anxiety anywhere.

But in Saudi Arabia, getting caught with an unrelated woman can mean arrest, a possible flogging and dishonor, the worst penalty of all in a society where preserving a family’s reputation depends on faithful adherence to a strict code of separation between the sexes.
Allahdamn... that's harsh, dude.

Of course, if you need to get your yahyahs out... there's always holy jihad...
“Jihad is not a crime; it is a duty,” Enad said in casual conversation.

“If someone comes into your house, will you stand there or will you fight them?” Enad said, leaning forward, his short, thick hands resting on his knees. “Arab or Muslim lands are like one house.”

Would he go fight?

“I would need permission from my parents.”
Good grief.


RELATED: Of course, Canada is far from perfect
"This is kinda weird, though, because a) Canada seems to have been more or less secure for hundreds of years before they passed that wacky law a few years ago, and b) "the entire country" has never charged anyone under Section 13."

"Only one guy actually ever seems to use Section 13 at all these days."