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12 May 2008

Has anybody else seen...

That Peak-Frean's commercial with all the women acting out in various ways? One woman flushes the toilet while her husband is in the shower... another puts a "kick me" sign on her kid, before sending him off to school.

They've also got "Bad Girls" playing in the background, which, I guess... is supposed to reinforce the "naughty mommy" theme here.

It's nowhere near as amusing as the advertising agency obviously thinks it is... and at one point in this little ditty... a woman in a bathrobe flashes a FedEx guy in her front yard.

Now, I should probably explain right here, that... despite my age... I am not without a sense of humour... and remain relatively enthusiastic about both cookies and scantily clad women.

However, it just occurred to me, that... if a commercial anywhere on this politically correct continent featured any man... however friendly and attractive... flashing a woman in a very public venue... there would be leftbot-supported riots in the streets.

Funny how that works, huh?


"Yep, been happening for years. As I've said, feminists don't want equality as much as they want REVENGE."
"It's so nice to see women portrayed as equals to men. However, to the feministas, this means equal to the lowest common denominator for males."