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27 May 2008

Insite now a "health-care" service

So, apparently... being a junkie... is now protected under Saint Pierre's sacred "Charter of Rights."
-- VANCOUVER -- The B.C. Supreme Court says it would be unconstitutional for the federal government to shut down Vancouver's controversial safe-injection site.
Now that there's a precedent... I can't wait for designated "free-fire" zones for gun-totin' gangbangers.

Fortunately, not everybody's comin' off another hit on the judicial bong...
Federal lawyers argued before the court that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms doesn't protect the right of drug addicts to shoot up.
I'm afraid for my country.


RELATED: And in perfectly timed, ironic counterpoint
Shocked Vancouver police have arrested and released a couple who allegedly offered to sell a seven-day-old baby girl on the Craigslist website for $10,000.
You won't see it in the online article... but the television report showed a cop talking about the parent's "drug issues."


Most of the science regarding the Insite program are based upon self reporting by drug users (reliable?).

This is of course not mentioned in the media.

Nor is the recent British Medical Journal study in 2006 that showed no reduction in drug use due to these sites.

LAST WORD: Elizabeth thinks I'm "ranting incoherently"

Well, Lizzy... I'm just not sure I'd be wanna be so reliant on "The Wisdom of Whores."

I mean, do you think they ever really ever get that taste... never mind the potentially life-threatening infectious stuff... outta their mouths?
