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30 May 2008

The inevitable destination...

Of Canada's candy-coated, oh-so-politically correct "Magical Mystery Tour"...

And when I said, 'It can't be any danger, what are you talking about,' the agent said, 'Well, it's what it represents.'"

The duel was on and Ms. Norys fired back, telling the agent, "That's censorship, not security."
I dunno, lady... I see that picture, I'm thinkin'... "What's Malibu Barbie gonna do now... if some other punkass doll tries to 'jack' her pink plastic car?"


RELATED: And fuzzy-bunny McSlippery Ontario...

Is at the forefront of a similar, though reciprocal sort of madness...
-- TORONTO -- An MBA student accused of setting up an elaborate terrorism-support network has been awarded a $5,000 prize for his entrepreneurial acumen.

Two years ago, the arrest of the 26-year-old Canadian university student made headlines amid allegations he was known simply as “Waterloo Suresh” to Tamil Tiger figures overseas.
He's an entrepreneur, alright...
Students qualify for the financial awards by nominating themselves and then having their work reviewed by a university committee, he said, adding that the university picks its own award winners, and donors such as CIBC are not involved in the judging.
Only in Canada, you say?

Wait a minute... what do people who aren't on a university committee think?