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30 May 2008

"I am not fundamentally malicious..."

Says biker babe... as she makes the rounds of media outlets pounding yet more nails into Bernier's political coffin.

Cheer up, Maxime... it could have been much worse...
Mr. Bernier is just the latest of Ms. Couillard's ex-boyfriends to suffer an unhappy fate, and he should perhaps be thankful that all he lost was a Cabinet post.
He could have been murdered, or ended up offing himself... like the last two lunkheads who got tangled up with this woman.
Ms. Couillard said she does not know whether she will be able to fall in love again.
Yeah, baby... we feel your pain.
The Toronto Star reported this week that Ms. Couillard had approached it seeking $50,000 in exchange for an exclusive interview.
What's that called... when you go out and peddle yourself... for money?

Hey, Max... maybe next time you can let the "big head" do the thinking.


"Mislaid Max"

LAST WORD: In lieu of actual governance...
"Questions about Bernier's abrupt resignation continued for a fourth straight day in the Commons."
To be fair, there was a brief break from trying to peek inside Bernier's boxers... to attempt to spring a homegrown terrorist.

Your Liberal Party in action.
