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22 April 2008

Yeah, yeah, we get it...

You guys are even bigger jerkoffs than we suspected...
-- DESERONTO -- Native protesters who seized a major portion of this small Hastings County town pledged yesterday to maintain the disruption for a week to send a message to any would-be developers of disputed native lands.
Fresh from their victory over the folks who were gonna renovate a local senior citizens complex... the Mohawk Warriors are declaring another war on the long-suffering residents of Deseronto.

Does this silly shit ever end? And where are the local cops?

Oh yeah... this wily Culbertson dude who supposedly perpetrated the horrendous fraud on the poor aboriginals... was the grandson of John Desorontyon - the Mohawk chief to whom the entire eastern land grant to Mohawks was made.

Funny how nobody ever mentions that in their manifesto.


RELATED: Ask a resident...
"What gives them the authority to block that road? This is bullshit as far as I'm concerned. This doesn't do any good," Webb said.

Webb said he does not understand why the natives can block a road and prevent traffic from passing and not be arrested.

He said if he were the one to do it, the police would immediately lock him up.

LAST WORD: McSlippery finally finds his balls
DESERONTO, ON, April 22 /CNW/ - On April 22, 2008 at approximately 9:45 am, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Public Order Unit, in support of Napanee OPP detachment members, attended the protest/road closure site on County Road 2 and Deseronto Road.

OPP officers trained in the safe, orderly removal of protesters advised those present at the road closure site to leave or be subject to arrest and criminal charges. Upon police intervention, the protestors dispersed without any physical altercation.
See Dalt... was that so hard?

Now clean up Caledonia.
