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08 April 2008

Who luvs ya, baby?

Funny how that "minority government" thing doesn't seem to be slowing down the ambitious Conservative government legislative agenda.
-- OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Stephen Harper promised "sweeping new legislation" Tuesday to protect consumers and warned that companies that care more about their profits than their customers will soon face "severe" punishment.

The new measures come after a series of high-profile voluntary recalls of toxic toys and tainted food in the past year. Currently, Health Canada has no authority to recall products, and has to rely on companies to issue voluntary recalls.
Unlike the nanny-state fiberal yip-yap... there's actually some teeth in this new package...
The centrepiece of the new Consumer Product Safety Act would be the government's new power to issue a mandatory recall of any product. This includes the disclosure of confidential business information without the company's consent if there is a serious and imminent health risk.
Less talk... more rock.


RELATED: Because he's all about the rules...

Oh my goodness... yet another link from 'noted feminist' Canadian Cynic.

Well, let me return the favour.
