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26 April 2008

Sheppard and Keele gets the nod...

As Canada returns to the good ol' days of segregation...
Canada's first Africentric alternative school will be a school within a school – not a free-standing building – and is being proposed for a wing of sprawling Sheppard Public School near the northwest corner of Sheppard Ave. W. and Keele St.

The pilot program, which Sheppard principal Ira Applebaum called an "exciting opportunity" in a letter last night to parents, would be open to children of any background across Toronto, from junior kindergarten to Grade 5, who would wish to enrol in September 2009.

RELATED: Will these kids all transfer?
Just north of Bathurst and Lawrence, in a patch of subsidized housing projects collectively known as the Jungle, sits Sir Sandford Fleming Academy -- the worst high school in Toronto in the eyes of the Fraser Institute, and its national ranking of academic performances.

What if they "build it and no one comes"?

UPDATE: Welcome, yet again, readers of Canadian Cynic

This time, uber-compassionate, freedom rider CC refers to me as a "really, really creepy racist." That, of course, is what CC does. His blog is simply one giant accusatory troll.

On the other hand... CC is just really, really creepy.


LAST WORD: Ask a Black Activist
"I do not believe that an all-''black'' school will serve our communities well. It is divisive and the ''black'' community is not a homogenous group in this province or in this country," said Payne.

"Martin Luther King Jr. wanted all children to succeed based on their character, not by the colour of their skin."
Of course, Stephanie and myself... don't always see eye to eye.
