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13 April 2008

Paging Barbara Hall

Not terribly surprisingly... law students at a second Canadian university... have discovered yet another weeping wound of injustice for investigation by a "human rights" commission...
A group of students from the University of Windsor is filing an application with the Ontario Human Rights Commission this week alleging that racism influenced the city police force's handling of a campus party.

The group Students Against Anti-Black Racism is requesting that the commission conduct an independent investigation into the decision by police to use more than two dozen officers and a K-9 unit to break up a Caribbean-themed dance party held on campus in late January.
Now, I know we have a few lawyers and law students here on the BT aggregator... so maybe someone can tell me... do you get some sort of extra credit for drumming up your own investigations?

Good grief.


UPDATE: U of W... part of "the conspiracy"
“This is part of a larger pattern of discrimination perpetuated by the administration - the inaction on the dress code [at The Basement], the hysteria surrounding Windsor Sports Weekend, and now this incident."

"Why is it when racialized students are targeted that the senior administration remains silent?”

FROM THE COMMENTS: No need to actually reply...

KC hits me with the Vulcan Mind-Meld
"So either 1) you are comfortable with police racism whether it happened or not and thus there is no need to investigate or 2) you are comfortable with having no oversight of police action all together."

RELATED: In other "racist conspiracy" news
Only one rap artist was awarded a grant: Vincent Letellier, otherwise known as Freeworm, who raps evocatively about environmental causes.

The judges need to look beyond creativity and realize that hip-hop music is now popular culture, said Mils Knight (DJ Mils), who represents the group Eekwol.
See, Mils... that's where you're sorta steppin' on your johnson here.

If "popular culture"... particularly as expressed by hyper-hormonal teenagers... were really any sort of all-around measure of societal worthiness... wouldn't there be a few more folks from the general population walkin' around with baggy, fallin' down trou and their hats on backwards?
"It's not like we are making crazy money, driving crazy vehicles, and flying in private jets,'' he said. "I still got to pay for rent and I got mouths to feed, I have bills."
Well, maybe my friend, if, in this bastion of free-market capitalism, you aren't able to leverage your amazing talent into some sort of profitable enterprise... instead of lookin' for a taxpayer subsidy... you oughtta think about finding an actual paying job.

You know... like the rest of us.
