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13 April 2008

I guess "human rights" rules...

Don't apply to Dalton McGuinty's new "bestest friends."
-- TORONTO -- Premier Dalton McGuinty's closed-door meeting with a Chinese business delegation, days after his trade minister departed on a controversial visit to Beijing, proves Ontario's government is hiding its dealings with China amid international outrage over government crackdowns in Tibet, critics say.

The Liberals, who have been under fire all week over the trade mission, are “sneaking around on every front” instead of being open about their plans with Chinese officials, said Progressive Conservative Leader John Tory.
Looks like this meeting won't be as secret as "No-Fault Dalt" hoped it would be...
"Reporters may not be invited to the lunch, but the Premier can rest assured that it will be well attended by Tibetans."

Dozens of people were killed and many others arrested in March after anti-government protests erupted in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, sparking massive demonstrations by pro-Tibetan activists.
Bon appetite Mr. McSlippery.


UPDATE: Let the spin begin...
Canada is offering to help “nurture dialogue” with China on the Tibet issue to help resolve the current Tibet crisis, an Ontario cabinet minister said in Beijing today.