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10 April 2008

Now that they're off the hook...

If Macleans just stepped up and offered to bankroll the defense for the "Gang of Four"... I bet they'd make it all back in subscriptions, in no time at all...

Surely the folks at Macleans, of all people, understand what these bloggers are up against...
"So in effect the Ontario "Human Rights" Commission, the world leaders in labiaplasty jurisprudence, have decided that, even though they don't have the guts to hear the case, they might as well find us guilty."
This is about more than any one person, or organisation.

Maybe publishers all across Canada should start to realise they do actually have a dog in this fight.

Before it's too late.


FROM THE COMMENTS: I stand corrected...
"The Gang of Four is actually the Canuck-6. Shaidle, McMillan, Levant, Jonathan Kay and the Fourniers."

RELATED: Speaking of Jonathan Kay
"I am quite curious about the use of the word "stereotype" here. One supposes that all sorts of Jewish, Buddhist, Baha'i and Confuscian terrorist cells are getting busted up all the time -- but the Islamophobic media never reports it."

"Scrape away the document's pablum about human rights, and the cynical, obligatory nods to free speech, and you find a genuinely frightening manifesto written by people who have a thinly disguised contempt for press freedom and heterodox opinions."


LAST WORD: What would a Muslim say?
"Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, however, said that for the Commission "to refer to Maclean's magazine and journalists as contributing to racism is bullshit, if you can use that word.""

""There are within the staff [of the Ontario Human Rights Commission], and among the commissioners, hardline Islamic supporters of Islamic extremism, and this [handling of the Maclean's case] reflects their presence over there," Mr. Fatah said, identifying two people by name."
Kudos also to Tarek Fatah... who is, literally, taking his life in his hands here.
