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06 April 2008

Nik Nanos on "Canadian values"

-- BREAKING NEWS -- The Conservatives are apparently goin' down for the count... unless Stephen Harper actually strangles Tom Lukiwski on a special episode of "CTV's Question Period "...
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper must make it clear he rejects a anti-gay slur uttered by one of his MPs if he doesn't want to see Conservative party support drop, says a pollster."
Wow... pretty eerie how ol' Nik has his fingers laid so precisely... on the emotional pulse of the nation.

It's just like Mrs. Neo snarled at me, today over lunch...
"Heartfelt apology my ass... I wanna see some blood."

RELATED: What would Tommy Douglas say?


"Screams of outrage from the left and far left leave one with the impression that Gays are so mentally fragile they need special treatment."

"I think the average Gay person is made of far sterner stuff than the NDP and Liberals are aware of."