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04 April 2008

If there really was justice...

This guy would be serving five life sentences...
-- WINDSOR, Ont. -- A man convicted of knowingly spreading the virus that causes AIDS was handed an 18-year prison sentence Friday after a judge declined to declare him a dangerous offender.

Carl Leone pleaded guilty last year to 15 counts of aggravated sexual assault after failing to inform his sexual partners of his HIV status.

Five of the 15 women are now HIV-positive.
And here's the punch line.
He will be eligible for parole in six years.

RELATED: These guys are startin' a war...

They just can't win.
Two plainclothes police officers narrowly dodged bullets Friday during an afternoon shooting that saw rounds of ammunition flying into a nearby schoolyard.

“The officers quickly took cover and evasive action at which point the vehicle that was instituting the gunfire fled,” he said.
A buddy of mine went into Police College right after university... and I'll always remember that they told him not to worry about the bad guys... because he was hookin' up with 'the biggest gang in town.'

I'm guessin' this part of Scarberia is gonna get a little extra policing over the next week or so.


UPDATE: Feel the pain... Germaine
A 31-year-old man was arrested in a fast-food restaurant shortly after several shots were fired at a group of six people – including two plainclothes cops – in the city's northeast end Friday afternoon.

Germaine Roberts, 31, faces 11 charges, including discharging a firearm and endangering life.
Oh, yeah... Germaine's no cherry.

Hey, Dalton... maybe you can ban him again.
