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04 April 2008

Canadian soldier killed in Af'stan

Private Terry John Street, of the Patricias' second battalion, which is based at Shilo, Manitoba, was killed at dusk Friday when his armoured vehicle hit an improvised explosive device Wednesday to the southwest of Kandahar City, according to Brig.-Gen. Guy Laroche, commanding general of Task Force Afghanistan.
He will be remembered.



Reminiscent of Canadian Cynic's profane admonition to the grieving mother of a dead Canadian soldier, comes this...
"He should have stayed in school and found a real job."
The kind, compassionate progressive left.


And courageous 'Anon' returns... apparently he wasn't finished spitting on Private Street's dead body...
"Troops fighting in Afghanistan are synthetic heroes and they are nothing more than ignorant fodder for neocon fear capitalism."
Can he possibly go any lower?

I'm guessing yes.
