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19 April 2008

"Fat camp for Muslim boys?"

You know you're in pretty deep muck... when even the Toronto "Red Star" is having trouble with your story...
"These guys were like religious people who just wanted to practise, y'know, their faith," the then-18-year-old is seen telling RCMP Sgt. John Tost, the day after a police swoop resulted in the arrests of the so-called Toronto 18. "I don't think they were planning to do something towards Canada or anything."

"Basically we were just chilling, reading the Qu'ran," the teenager recalled of the activities at the 12-day camp that took place in December 2005 near the town of Washago, Ont. "Some guys are lazy, y'know, they're gaining weight."

"For two weeks we just kind of worked out."

Halal Fat Camp (Sung to YMCA)

Omar, there's no need to feel down.
I said, Omar, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, Omar, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.