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05 April 2008

All that hysteria recently...

About police use of tasers? It seems not everybody with a dog in this fight... has lost their mind.
People have died from being jolted by a police Taser but the shock device is better than lethal force, says a mental health advocacy group.

John Gray, a board member with the B.C. Schizophrenia Society, told a Commons committee Friday that a decade ago his group urged police to find another way to subdue mentally ill people after two B.C. residents were killed by police.
Mr. Gray acknowledges the single most obvious fact about police use of tasers...
"If there is an elevated risk, we would like to choose the Taser over a gun,'' Gray said. "I have seen people volunteer to be Tasered, without apparent ill effects."

"I have never seen anyone volunteer to be shot by a gun."
Get rid of tasers? Be careful what you wish for.


RELATED: You need something to worry about?

Just wait 'til somebody appropriates your identity... and puts a second mortgage on your home.
The identify theft ring busted yesterday was first uncovered after a man was tossed out of a SUV on a highway in January, police say.

OPP anti-racket detectives, in a sweep across the GTA, seized skimmed credit and debit card data and a counterfeit mark, used to make an official government imprint on documents used to confirm identities.

Rajeentheran Kathigesu, 31, of Markham, and Vasanthan Nagarasa, 30, of Woodbridge, are charged with kidnapping, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit fraud, possessing instruments of forgery, fraud under $5,000 and possessing credit card data.

Kathigesu is also charged with fraud over $5,000 and possessing of a counterfeit mark.

Fiona Abdulla, 26, of Markham, is charged with possessing a counterfeit mark, fraud over $5,000 and possessing instruments of forgery.