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16 March 2008

I've always wondered who was...

Doing all those google searches on my blog -- on 'Farhan Chak' -- maybe Ezra has stumbled upon the answer...
"Arman Chak isn't famous, but his brother Farhan Chak is. Farhan briefly ran for office as a candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada."

"But then it was revealed that he had padded his resume -- oh, and that he was also a raging Jew-hater, a nutty conspiracy theorist and had once shot up an Edmonton nightclub."
I'd actually forgotten about this guy... but it turns out his brother Arman works... wait for it... for the Edmonton Human Rights Commission. In his spare time, Arman also apparently runs interference for his outspoken brothers.
"I'd like to think I'd stand by my brothers, too, even if one of them shot up a nightclub and uttered horribly bigoted things again and again and again."

"But the Internet has a funny way of remembering things. Here is the archived page of Farhan Chak's letter. Frankly, compared to his other rants, it's fairly mild -- but I still wouldn't want to run into him at a nightclub if he was drunk."
Steve Janke has more.
