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16 March 2008

I'm thinkin'...

It's time to slam on the brakes... and turn this bus around.
-- OTTAWA -- A downtown Tim Hortons has been finding so many dirty needles in its washroom garbages that the owner purchased bio-medical disposable bins for addicts to toss them in.

The yellow and red bins sit on the floor next to the toilets in the washrooms of the Tim Hortons at the corner of Bank and Cooper streets.

"When my friends ask me why I spend $3 on a cup of coffee at Starbucks that I can get for $1 at Tim's, I tell them it's because I don't want to have to run the gauntlet of forgotten men outside the door."

"I can hold my own door open, thanks, and no, you're not getting my leftover coin."

LAST WORD: So... bear with me for a sec
When somebody's curious 4 year-old spikes himself... and contracts Hep-C, or God forbid, AIDS... do they sue Tim Hortons... or the McGuinty government -- you know -- the people who actually fund free needles for scummy hypes?
Just askin'.
