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11 March 2008

Infamous dumbstick Canadian Cynic...

Launches "Operation Kick Myself in the Face."

Puerile, profane CC is directing his little band of coprophiliacs to search this blog for all references to "Wanda Watkins."

Hey... if he wants to shine even more light on the vilest thing he's ever written... I'm good with that.

Now... put on some rubber gloves... because, in fairness, I feel obligated to return the favour.

Ok... now we're even.


RELATED: No man is an island

Never let it be said that Canadian Cynic has no friends... there are all kinds of progressive people who are proud to break bread with him...
And by the way, Scott... you seem to have lost your picture of CC... as well as the references on your blog to CC and Shoshana at that lefty luncheon.

Don't sweat it... I have copies.


LAST WORD: I should explain...
It's not really CC's fault... he's just being a good mommy.

Apparently noted CC-lickers Ti-guy and Red Tory ran home... and "told on me".

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