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01 February 2008

Who didn't see this coming?

Those two aboriginal babies that froze to death on the Yellow Quill Reserve... evidently it's Stephen Harper's fault...
The chief of Yellow Quill First Nation, where two children were found frozen to death this week after being led outside by a father who had been drinking, said he tried to ban alcohol on the reserve but was blocked by Indian Affairs bureaucracy.
Yessirree... that heartless Conservative government... what have they got to say for themselves?
An Indian Affairs spokeswoman said the department has no record of any attempt by Yellow Quill to pass a non-intoxication bylaw.
Of course, if any wily white man... in or out of government... were to actually suggest that aboriginal peoples shouldn't be allowed to have booze... the racist anglo excrement would really hit the air-conditioning.

It seems though, that it's okay for the aboriginal hierarchy to impose such a restriction on their own communities.

Not that a bylaw is much of a deterrent.
Across Canada, 239 of 615 First Nations have bylaws in place that ban the sale, purchase and possession of alcohol, but in many of those communities, alcohol and other intoxicants remain a significant social problem.
Anyway... I'm thinking we already have a law that covers this particular situation... it's called "criminal negligence causing death."

So let's get it on.
