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01 February 2008


I may have been a lttle too quick off the mark with my previous post... I find myself, for the moment... more than a little humbled by the weather gods.

Anybody else see the television commercial where the SUV effortlessly zips UP the snowy mountainside with light glinting off the windows, while some nonsensical jingle plays in the background.

Well, take it from me... IT'S A LIE... courtesy of Industrial Light & Magic.

I just spent the better part of two hours serially digging, driving, reversing... diiiging, driiiiving reeeversing... well, you get the idea... to retrieve my ever faithful Jeep Cherokee from the back forty... where, yes, I had foolishly tempted the fates by attempting to reach my backwoods woodpile.

It was a do or die thing because I'd managed to make it to the third field... where even a veteran tow truck driver would have feared to tread. With the storm coming in, and more snow expected Monday... I was worried she was gonna be buried until spring thaw. So I huffed and I puffed... and sonuvabitch... I actually made it out.

It took about a dozen attempts to climb that last rise to the house, where I found Mrs. Neo, who, apparently not satisfied with previously verbally slapping me silly... "I mean, what on earth made you think you were actually going to pull that stupid shit off?" -- (I'm paraphrasing here, Mrs. Neo does not, as a general rule, use profanity) -- was busily constructing a photographic record of my ignominious folly.

-- (note: Mrs N, for some reason, also ungenerously feels it is important to point out that some unnamed spouse could have easily made this little excursion yesterday, prior to the, uh... spot of weather rolling in.) --

Needless to say, I am feeling completely worn out... and more than a little sheepish.

So anyway... this Global Warming shit... when exactly is that gonna happen?

'Cos I want it in writing... right now.
