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25 February 2008

Sure, let's repatriate Omar Khadr

Right back to his chosen country of Holy Jihad...
Liberal MP Dominic LeBlanc said the Khadr family may be thought of as "synonymous with terrorism," and that makes it a difficult case.
Difficult, Dominic?

Only for the party that sprung his terrorist Daddy out of a Pakistani jail.


DADDY DEAREST: Who was Ahmad Saeed Khadr?
Born on March 1, 1948, in Cairo, Egypt,Khadr was a very well connected Islamist extremist prior to his death during a firefight with Pakistani security forces in October 2003. Both Khadr and his residence on Khartoum Avenue, Scarborough, have been linked to extremists in Canada.

Khadr first became involved in terrorism when he used his position at two different charities to funnel money to Al Qaeda allegedly to finance terrorist operations.

Initially, while working with Human Concern International (HCI), Khadr used the money collected, including some $325,000 provided by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), allegedly to fund Al Qaeda operations, including the bombing of the Egyptian embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan in 1995, which was ordered by Ayman Al Zawahiri.

Khadr was arrested by Pakistan authorities for his role in the bombing, but was later released without charges on the request of then Prime-Minister Jean Chrétien.
Friends don't let friends vote Liberal.
