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08 February 2008

Pony up, you weenies

Hey Steffi, you can run... but you can't hide...
-- OTTAWA -- The Conservative government introduced a motion Friday to extend Canada's combat mission in Afghanistan and immediately declared it a confidence matter — a move that sets the stage for a showdown with the Liberals and a possible spring election.

"It requires other parties to make a simple decision," said Mr. Van Loan. "Either you support the military mission in Afghanistan or you don't."
Whatever beef you might have with Prime Minister Stephen Harper... unlike some other unnamed leaders of the opposition i can think of... he's sure not afraid to make the tough calls.

Mind you, it's not all bad news for all the Fiberals... Iggy must be dancing on his desk... at the thought of his not-so-beloved leader taking another kick in the teeth.


LAST WORD: The Tao of Warren
"It’s a good report, but so what. This is politics. If you have to throw John Manley and a couple MPs overboard to win an election, you do it."

"That's my position, and I'm sticking to it. (Until I don't.)"
Ah, yes... those lovely Fiberal core values.
