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06 February 2008

I bet it wasn't the Creator...

Who told him how to wire up the gro-lights... and mix up hydroponic solutions...
"You know, when the Creator tells me I must do something, I have absolutely no choice. In our system it is to dream, to learn, and to do.

You receive your instruction while your body sleeps, you learn about your instructions, and then you do as you're instructed."
Sounds like somebody's been licking the mixing bowl again.

(h/t reader frank)


RELATED: More fascinating aboriginal lore
"I know they came there specifically to ensure that nobody talks about it," said the chief.

"There are cultural protocols that we have to follow, and I think that's probably why they wouldn't want anybody to talk about it for a while, at least.

"In our culture, we don't talk about the dead for a while after things like this happen. It's something that has been practised for years and years."