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06 February 2008

Hey, Steffi...

Maybe your mouth shouldn't be writin' cheques... your caucus can't cash.
-- OTTAWA -- Justice Minister Rob Nicholson has warned the Liberal-dominated Senate to pass the Tory government's violent crime bill by the end of the month or face a possible early election.

But Liberal members of the chamber of sober second thought bristled at the deadline, and it's unclear if the Conservatives can force an election over the matter.

Nicholson told the Senate committee on legal and constitutional affairs Wednesday to do "whatever it takes" to pass Bill C-2, the Tackling Violent Crime Act.


RELATED: The Dumb-pire strikes back...

Displaying a personality quirk traditionally reserved for British Royalty... and Warren Kinsella... Dion, referring to himself in the third person, released the following statement...
“Mr. Dion made clear the Liberal Party's long-standing position on the mission in Afghanistan, including our firm and unwavering belief that the combat mission in Kandahar must end by February, 2009,” said a statement released by Mr. Dion after the meeting ended late yesterday afternoon.
And in another stroke of genius... the opposition parties have also decided to champion the rights of death row killers...
-- OTTAWA -- The House of Commons adopted a motion Wednesday saying the government should resume a policy of automatically seeking clemency for Canadians facing the death penalty abroad.

Opposition parties ganged up against the government in a non-binding vote to approve a motion from Liberal MP Judy Sgro.

Her motion was a response to the government's refusal last fall to seek clemency for Ronald Smith, an Albertan sentenced to death in Montana for two murders in 1982.
Hey Steffi... you're gonna change the channel... better make sure you've got the right show.


LAST WORD: Game on
