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04 February 2008

"Don't infect me, bro!"

At the risk of further upsetting all the leftbots who went absolutely apeshit over the four, or, hang on... was it five... annual deaths attributed to tasers...
An estimated 220,000 Canadians develop hospital-acquired infections each year, of which MRSA is one type, according to Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program figures.

About 8,000 people die of them annually.

RELATED: Speaking of leftbot smoke and mirors...

So... 8,000 deaths per year.

I'm thinkin' we could really use some of that two billion dollars the Fiberals pissed away on the "Farmer Bob Rifle Registry."
"Of course no one questioned that no actual criminals were caught. No one cared. Criminals weren't the problem. Guns were the problem."

"If you could get rid of all the guns, there would be no criminals, and no crime violence."

"No gun, no criminal, no funeral."


Welcome, once again, readers of "Canadian Cecilia"

It always warms my heart to be able to share my thoughts with readers of the leftosphere's premier purveyor of bile and profanity.

Please make sure you let CC know how impressed you are... with his most infamous moment in the sun.
