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16 January 2008

You know what they say...

No good deed... goes unlitigated.
-- EDMONTON -- An Edmonton-area woman is suing her adoptive mother for half a million dollars for allegedly telling her birth mother she died at birth.

Denice Poland, now 44, is also suing Edmonton's Royal Alexandra Hospital, where she was born, the Alberta government and two doctors for matching amounts.
Poland's adoptive mother responded to news of the lawsuit...
"I'm just so flabbergasted that after 42 years this is happening. I'm totally confused right now," said Morrison, a 71-year-old widow who walks with a cane and lives in a subsidized building for seniors.

"I still basically love that girl, but my thoughts are so jumbled up. Should I have adopted 42 years ago, or should I have left well enough alone?" she said.

"If somebody was to ask me today if I'd do the same thing, I wouldn't know how to answer."