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16 January 2008

Let me stab you in the chest...

And we'll see... just how "ceremonial"... that thing is...
"Anything that would not be allowed on an airplane can't be brought into court," said Andy Weiler of the Alberta Solicitor-General and Public Security ministry.

"Generally, anything that can be turned into a weapon is not permitted."
I hope this guy has been charged... with ducking out on the subpoena.

Somebody has to put a stop to this politically correct insanity.


RELATED: Or you could play "Toronto Rules"


LAST WORD: World Sikh Organization of Canada says...
"The refusal to accommodate the wearing of the kirpan in effect excludes many Sikh Canadians from full participation in the legal system and from serving in important capacities such as being on juries or testifying as witnesses at trials."