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02 January 2008

Remember the slogan...

The Toronto Tourist folks were putting out last year... it may need a little fine tuning...
Toronto’s first homicide victim of 2008 is a teenage girl who was stabbed in the stomach yesterday.

The girl, who is believed to be 14 years old, was found in a residential area in Scarborough around 6:15 p.m. yesterday evening. She was found bleeding near St. Clair Avenue East and O’Connor Drive, but was not inside a home, police said.
I can't begin to imagine how horrible this must be for this young girl's family.

Apparently, this is becoming a big city New Years Day tradition.
Last year Jean Springer, 60, became Toronto’s first homicide victim of the year after she was shot in the face by a man at her front door on New Year’s Day. A 26-year-old man with a history of mental illness was charged with Ms. Springer’s murder.
Toronto the Good... Horror Movie.


UPDATE: Toronto's first murderer busted
Police arrested a 17-year-old male just before dawn today in connection with the New Year's Day murder of a 14-year-old girl.


Resident troll "Nixie" thinks a dead 14 year-old girl is funny...
Nixon's Ghost said... I bet the murderer was a fucking liberal bastard commie fuck!

RELATED: Winnipeg wants in...
A 16-year-old boy who was stabbed at a house party north of Winnipeg early Tuesday morning has become Manitoba's first homicide victim of 2008.

LAST WORD: Bill Blair's "diversity solution"
Since the record-setting gun violence of 2005, Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair says he has concentrated much energy on neighbourhood policing and “changing the nature and the face” of Canada’s largest municipal force.

Half of nearly 1,000 new police officers were women or visible minorities and there are 500 more uniformed officers walking the beats.