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01 January 2008

Religion of "Blown to Pieces"...

Rings in a bright, shiny New Year...
-- BAGHDAD -- A suicide bomber detonated a vest loaded with explosives at a Shia funeral in Baghdad today, killing 28 people and wounding 33.

Police say the late afternoon explosion occurred in the capital's eastern Zayouna neighbourhood, a mixed Shia and Sunni district.
Maybe someone from the Muslim community, or the Middle East... could explain this to me... what's with the increasingly ubiquitous "funeral bomb"?

I mean, presumably... you've already killed the guy you really, really hated... is it that important to maim and kill everybody who loved him too?

Now, I'm no believer of any sort... but it just seems a little over the top.


RELATED: And they'll have fun, fun, fun...
In Thailand, an army spokesman said he believed that five bombs set off by suspected Muslim insurgents in a Thai-Malaysian border tourist town likely targeted New Year's revellers. The bombs, which wounded 27 people, exploded in the hotel and nightlife area of Sungai Kolok.