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31 December 2007

Listen up, DotComrades...

It's your last chance before 2008 -- to get in on the action over at SDA...

Syncro rolls the dice...
1. Jason Cherniak announces he's transsexual and moves to the NDP... sadly this isn't a wise career move.

2. Warren Kinsella announces his own irrelevance... nobody listens and Warren becomes irrelevant squared.

3. Canadian Cynic converts to Islam and learns the Farsi term for C*nt. Hilarity ensues.
And another personal fave...
"Following his argument that the West must lead by example, David Suzuki gives up all his houses and vehicles and goes to live in a mud hut in the mountains of Columbia."

FROM THE COMMENTS: The erudite, eloquent left...
"in 2008, try & be a little more clever than jeffy bug boy -- happy new year prick"
Oh, Jeffy... I'm actually embarrassed for you.

Maybe you should pour that last one in the sink and head for bed, huh?
