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06 January 2008

The Big "E"

I'm fresh off watching resident pinko-pundit David Akin on the CTV news... lauding Hillary Clinton's "loads of experience."

Now, just so we're all on the same page here... was all this alleged "experience" acquired... while she was supposed to be co-presidenting with philanderer in chief Slick Willie?

Call me wacky, but if Hillary wasn't around enough... or aware enough... to realise that her co-president was pokin' the co-ed office help... she might be exaggerating that experience thing a tad.

And if political spouses are somehow magically imbued with all of these diplomatic skills and foreign affairs experience... how come Margaret Trudeau isn't Prime Minister of Canada?

Just curious.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The socialist intelligentsia replies...
"you're quite the Nazi, ain't ya?"

RELATED: Speaking of Nazis...
Time was when "human rights" was a truly large and noble idea.

LAST WORD: Welcome readers of Canadian Cecilia

It's always nice to be linked to... yet again... by the poster boy for the intellectual, caring left.
Remember Canadian Cecilia's message to Wanda Watkins, whose son Lane was killed in Afghanistan?

"With all due respect, Wanda, fuck you and your grief. It's not the job of the rest of Canada to continue to let its soldiers die just so you can sleep better at night."
Of course... CC has always been a real lady's man.
