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09 January 2008

The angry face of Multiculturalism

Mob rule comes to Canada...
Border services planned to pick up Mr. Singh from the temple where he has been given sanctuary about 4:30 a.m., but the scheduled removal time passed as more than 250 protesters blocked the temple entrance.

It is the second time that Mr. Singh's supporters have succeeded in thwarting his deportation.
I'm not sure, who exactly... thinks this is gonna get easier as time goes on. Probably the same folks who criticise Pervez Musharraf for not being able to control those mischievous folks in Waziristan.

My advice to the authorities... if you have to bring in your own bigger mob to get the job done... just do it.

Otherwise you have just conceded that the rule of law is meaningless.


LAIBAR SINGH UPDATE: The inevitable CBC spin cycle

It's not anarchy... it's simply..."winning a reprieve."

And, of course, there's the part nobody wants to talk about...
Since his stroke, it has cost taxpayers over $400,000 to provide Singh with free medical care.

Even his deportation was planned to be the most benign possible, with his medically-staffed flight to cost taxpayers $68,700. He was then scheduled to be flown to the state-of-the-art Apollo Hospital in New Delhi.
(h/t reader maureen)


"He didn't have a stroke, he didn't have an aneurism and he isn't paralyzed and he isn't a quadriplegic."

By Friday, he had been cut adrift. His abandonment was breathtaking. His loudest champion, Harpal Singh Nagra, a leading actor in the noisy airport demonstration that blocked Singh's deportation, uttered a bizarre and sudden renouncement. On the weekend, he told Sun reporter Kim Bolan:

"I don't know anything about Laibar Singh. I am no longer his spokesperson. I am not involved now. I have other things to do."

RELATED: More "Wagging the Multi-Culti Dog"
News stories like this only serve to normalize nuts who should be marginalized, as Harper has tried to do. Reporters like Blanchfield should add a few more numbers to their "Muslim spokesman" rolodex.

LAST WORD: It doesn't work...

But let's do it anyway.
He said during his tenure as superintendent for the Milwaukee School Board, members welcomed the idea for African-centred alternative schools with open arms.

The board opened a middle school and elementary school, but the former has since closed because of declining enrolment.

"The fact is there were good parts about it, but over time it was not successful," Fuller said.
Oh yeah... one other thing...
The elementary school is still open, but Fuller admits there are problems with student achievement.
The best part is... the Toronto Sun interviews the same guy... but there's absolutely no reference to this particular experiment in "social engineering"... being a complete failure.
A specific curriculum may be the only way to teach certain youths, a leading U.S. educator said in a speech in Toronto yesterday about the controversial issue of Afrocentric schools.