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05 December 2007

Well... it could be worse

They actually used to burn "the heretics" along with the books.
-- CALGARY -- The Roman Catholic school board in Calgary has followed the lead of a Catholic school board in Burlington, Ont., in pulling the children's fantasy book The Golden Compass off school shelves.

"Our children are exposed to a wide range of information," said board spokeswoman Judy Mackay. "One of our responsibilities is to help them understand how that fits with their belief system and to equip them with the skills so that they understand how they can fit that into their own belief system."
I'm not exactly clear on how "banning" this book is "equipping anyone with skills".

Coincidentally, neither is this guy...
Not everyone in Calgary's Catholic community was jumping on the book-banning bandwagon.

Calgary Bishop Fred Henry said there are more pressing issues facing Catholics than debating a children's fantasy novel.

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