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05 December 2007

I don't know about Lady Justice...

But it sure looks like the OPP is blind.
Ontario's top cop, Julian Fantino, got his job only half-right at a violent protest in Caledonia this past weekend. Which means the Ontario Provincial Police commissioner got things half-wrong -- and big time.
Now, call me naive... but I thought the police weren't allowed to cherrypick... they were supposed to ENFORCE ALL the laws of the land.
There he was, talking tough, talking blunt and promising to crack down on a protester he felt had gone too far in opposing the alleged illegal sale of cigarettes by natives.

But when it came to subject of the protest itself -- a native tobacco trade that is apparently breaking the law by depriving governments of millions of dollars in taxes -- Fantino strangely enough didn't say boo
If Julian Fantino is not prepared to enforce the "law of the land"... he's not the right man for the job.


RELATED: Gotta love that selective enforcement
A man hurt during a weekend confrontation in Caledonia says he will take legal action against the OPP for not stepping in when things got ugly.

The protesters encountered a group of 100 natives. About 16 uniformed OPP officers were present, McHale said. McHale and another protester were hurt.

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