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08 December 2007

I think I've found...

The perfect Christmas gift for Warren Kinsella.


FROM THE COMMENTS: The Devil's Handmaid drops in...
"Warren said... Let's have a flame war. I'm bored at the moment, and you should amount to a brief diversion."
He also calls me... how's this for clever... "NeoFascist."

A disappointing little sally from the phraseologist who gave us... "Barnum, Bailey and Schreiber."

C'mon Warren... I expect your A-Game.


LAST WORD: Free speech meets legal screech

So Warren, lemme get this straight... you want to provoke a public cat-fight?
"Warren Kinsella, a prominent blogger and newspaper columnist, sued another blogger for libel last year, but settled the case after the blogger apologized for his remarks and paid Kinsella's legal costs."