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07 December 2007

China Syndrome

Stop me if you've heard this one before...
One of China's best-known food companies has halted exports of all tinned food, after toxic chemicals were found in canned meat products.

Food safety officials in Hong Kong have discovered a banned antibiotic, nitrofurans, in tins of Maling brand pork luncheon meat and pork ribs.

Analysts say it is going to take concerted effort to prevent unscrupulous businessmen cutting corners, in China's prevailing get-rich-quick culture

RELATED: Stoking that economic furnace
-- BEIJING -- It's hard to get your head around a figure like $1.4-trillion. Dai Zhi Ping, who makes $500 a month selling the Beijing News from the back of his motorbike, looks perplexed when he is told that China has that much money in its foreign exchange piggy bank.