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09 November 2007

You wanna see leftwing media bias?

Here's how those "scary, hidden" fables get started.

News aggregator National Newswatch tries to outpinko the Toronto Star.

Oh yeah... the actual quote here...
"It would be fair to say that he is not particularly receptive to that approach."

UPDATE: Let's get a second opinion
"McGuinty pitched the need for more money to start work on the proposed Move Ontario 2020 transit expansion. He also said he'd made a pitch for more money for a job creation fund.

He wouldn't reveal what promises he'd received from Harper. "He listened intently," McGuinty said."

LAST WORD: NATNEWS replies to my email

Apparently Paul at National Newswatch got caught when the Star "disappeared" the original headline. Oh yeah, I also found a picture of the Red Star's print edition.
Over to Paul from NATNEWS...
"Wow... how quick people turn on the messenger. That headline was taken directly from the source!!!"

"The TO Star obviously took heat over it and changed it. Since when did NNW start torquing headlines? I have posted a screen shot of the original headline as it appeared in the TO Star when it first went up this AM. The screenshot is from Google News' cache of the story."

"I thought you had more sense than that!"
Sorry, Paul... I only know what I see when I hit the links myself.

Here's a thought... perhaps your original post should have been about the Red Star torquing the story to fit their bias... instead of passing the "obvious cant" along as fact?


LAST WORD: A very special welcome...

To readers of foul mouthed, proggie brown-noser "Canadian Cynic"
Make sure you check out his greatest hits.
-- PS -- The silly, self-misnamed Red Tory... (yeah, I'm a Blue Liberal)... also weighs in and once again... showing off his best chops... laps up the Cynic's sour vomit.


The cc character opines the comments here are "stupid" and "classless" and then one reads the boy's "greatest hits"...yup, that cynic boy is chock full of class and a boy genius...yeeeesh.
Well... he sure seems to have some issues with women.

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