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09 November 2007

Let's just...

Drive a stake through its heart and bury this monster...
The Bloc Québécois and Liberals said Thursday that by cutting the contract short, the Tory government has spent money without any purpose and is only attempting to further its plan to kill the gun registry altogether.
Here's something nobody seems to be talking about... once you stop harassing farmers, deer hunters and target shooters and go back to registering handguns... which, by the way, we've been doing since the 1930's... you just don't need an ever-expanding 2 billion dollar infrastructure and bureaucracy.
"The minister and the government are comfortable with the decision to cancel the contract. It's a good management decision to prevent wasting more money," said Jacques Gagnon, press secretary for Public Works Minister Michael Fortier.
If the Opposition truly believes this is such a dealbreaker... then let them bring down the Conservative government.

It's their call.

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