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29 November 2007

We've all heard him moaning...

About having trouble "setting priorities"... so you should ask yourself... while Steffi and the mainstream media lose their minds over 5 taser deaths in a year... what's getting lost in all that noise?
Three years ago a major national study found prescription errors, surgical complications, infections and other medical mistakes were killing as many as 24,000 Canadians annually.
Lead the country?

I wouldn't let Stephane Dion wash my car.


RELATED: Time for a little subtext
-- VANCOUVER -- Canadian police, eager to sketch a portrait of Robert Dziekanski before his fatal confrontation with taser-equipped officers at Vancouver airport last month, will head to Poland to investigate his last "hours and days."

Asked about topics of interest, Cpl. Carr cited, "the history of the individual, of Mr. Dziekanski, his medical history and any other information that may be important to the various investigations."
Let's get all the cards on the table.


LAST WORD: Welcome... one more time... readers of Canadian Cecilia

Today... CC tastefully uses the tragic accidental deaths of a high school basketball team... to further his profane, obscure agenda.

Of course... it's what he does best.
Remember Canadian Cecilia's message to Wanda Watkins, whose son Lane was killed in Afghanistan?

"With all due respect, Wanda, fuck you and your grief. It's not the job of the rest of Canada to continue to let its soldiers die just so you can sleep better at night."
And, as you know... CC has always been a real lady's man.

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