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30 November 2007

We interrupt today's Taser hysteria...

For a word from Ontario's deputy chief coroner...
"I am absolutely convinced tasers will save lives instead of taking lives. And I hope some day, if I am in the position, please taser me before you shoot me."
Now back to our regularly scheduled, overwhelmingly leftwing media feeding frenzy...

Repeat after me: Schreiber. Taser. Taser. Schreiber.


RELATED: Enough with the Taser horseshit

Bring me a real tragedy.
Across India, as many as 10 million female fetuses may have been aborted over the past 20 years, according to a study published in the British medical journal, the Lancet, last year.

"We have found female fetuses by the sackful, floating down drains."