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30 November 2007

Pretty much a moot point

Sorry, Doc... there's just no putting the tech genie back in the bottle...
Donald L. Shifrin, a pediatrician based in Seattle and the spokesman for the academy, said tech toys cannot replace imaginative play, where children create rich narratives and interact with peers or parents.

“Are we creating media use as a default for play?” Dr. Shifrin asked. “When kids want to play, will they ask, ‘Where’s the screen?’”
My 11 year old son has been using computers since grade one. It's simply a part of his life. His latest big thing is a game called "Wildlife Zoo" and you'd best not try to get in between him and his growing colony of animal charges.

You have to wonder, though... how will a generation of tech-savvy kids differ from their parents.
Eric Jorgensen, a programmer at Microsoft, has invented PixelWhimsy, a computer program that allows toddlers to sit at a regular computer and bang away on the keys to create sounds and colors and shapes, but without damaging the computer.

Asmin Jalis, who also works at Microsoft and whose 2-year-old boy, Ibrahim, has been using PixelWhimsy, said his son liked it better than his toy computer. “We have a toy laptop for him, and he knows it’s a fake,” he said.
Big wheels keep on turnin'.