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01 November 2007

Toronto Star plays the race card

Reminiscent of the Liberal political attack ads that showed a pistol pointing and firing into the faces of television viewers... the Toronto Star has decided to engage in a little race-baiting.
Connie Harrison, a poverty and housing activist in the St. Jamestown area of Toronto Centre, and a candidate in the 2006 municipal election, says she can't believe the Conservatives would want to close the door to a candidate like Warner.

She finds it odd that for all the Tories' talk of outreach to ethnic and cultural communities, they have ousted a black man, born in Trinidad and Tobago, who immigrated to Canada as child in the 1960s and went on to attend Osgoode Hall law school and have a significant career in international trade law.

"I don't want to use this word, but I think there was some discrimination involved," Harrison said
You see... she didn't want to say that... but apparently the racist Conservative Party forced her hand. And having just celebrated Halloween, I guess it's perfect timing to trot out the tired old "scary, hidden agenda" stories.

You'll note, significantly, that Mark Warner, the candidate himself, makes absolutely no mention of his race being a factor in the decision.

The Conservative Party, who also just ousted another (non-visible minority) candidate they found similarly incompatible, were quick to respond.
"Well let me just simply say this; that in a national campaign, that is exactly what it is – a national campaign. There are certain things that we expect all of our candidates to do in a national campaign," Plett told the Star yesterday.

"If Mr. Warner says that is the reason, then he's, I guess, telling everybody `I wasn't prepared to go along with the rules.'"
Once again, the Toronto Red Star answers the age-old political question...
"How low will you go?"

But that's good enough for Steffi.
-- OTTAWA -- Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion says his party is ready to roll out the welcome mat for Mark Warner... "I'm open to consider that," Dion told the Star yesterday.

"It seems his values are very close to our values."
And that's exactly why he got dumped.

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