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01 November 2007

Liberal Party's latest brainwave...

Going to bat for a mad-dog multiple murderer.
-- OTTAWA -- The Conservative government's announcement that it will no longer stand up for Canadians who face the death penalty in the United States is drawing fire from the opposition

The Tories have announced a change in Canada's foreign policy when it comes to Canadians on death row.

Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said his government will not plead for the life of Alberta-born Ronald Allen Smith, who faces lethal injection in Montana for the 1982 murder of two men.

The government also announced that it will not attempt to save other Canadians who are given the death penalty following a fair trial in democratic countries like the U.S.
You've gotta love the title of the article here...
"Tories abandon Canadians on death rows"
Whoa... that sounds like we're gonna have bodies pilin' up like cordwood. Just how many Canadians will die alone and unloved as a result of this shift in policy anyway?
Smith, who killed two men during a road trip south of the border in 1982, is the only Canadian currently on death row in the U.S.
And who exactly is Ronald Allen Smith?
The Red Deer man was sentenced to death in March 1983, seven months after he killed two aboriginal men who had offered him a ride while hitchhiking.

He marched cousins Harvey Mad Man, 23, and Thomas Running Rabbit, 20, into the woods by the highway and shot them both in the head with a sawed-off .22-calibre rifle.
Yup... cry me a river.

Your Liberal Party in action.


RELATED: Where are the Liberals...
When these Canadians are being killed?

ATTENTION: All you lonely, moody, leftbot misfits
Instead of trying futilely to change my mind... you can correspond with you very own "death row inmate."

LAST WORD: Ok, Dan... here's your big chance
Liberal MP Dan McTeague charged that the foreign policy shift was undemocratic.

Mr. Harper does not have the authority to proceed on this," McTeague told Thursday.
Hey, Dan... it's important enough... you and Steffi can bring down the government.

Let's go.

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