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17 November 2007

Of course, it's sad...

When anyone dies...but enough already...
"A big, gentle man who saw his main social connection and closest friend as his mother. The last two years, he had been unemployed, collecting state benefits."
Gentle, my ass.

And don't give me any argle-bargle about police death squads.
Maybe if you don't go apeshit in a public venue and start throwing furniture around... you won't have a run-in with the police in the first place.

Oh yeah... if it's not asking too much... maybe the media and the loony left could save a little grief for actual Canadian citizens, who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country.

-- KANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- The Canadian death toll in Afghanistan has risen by two.

Corp. Nicolas Raymond Beauchamp of the 5th Field Ambulance in Valcartier and Pte. Michel Levesque of the Royal 22nd died early this morning.

"Saw the whole video yesterday for the first time and couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, the guy (Robert Dziekanski) was freaking out throwing furniture around."

"Did he deserve to die? No, but he deserved to be restrained and that's exactly what the police did."


"How on God's green earth does his 71 year old mother, with a whole 11 years in Canada, get to sponsor him as an immigrant at all, let alone a refugee?

If she has the financial resource, certainly let her sponsor him as a regular immigrant, and guarantee that her son will not immediately be a burden on the welfare state."

LAST WORD: A note from Taser International
"Cardiac arrest caused by electrical current is immediate. The video of the incident at the Vancouver airport indicates that the subject was continuing to fight well after the TASER application."

"This continuing struggle could not be possible if the subject died as a result of the TASER device electrical current causing cardiac arrest."

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