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17 November 2007

Harder, faster...

You've gotta love the spin... that Gloria Hallelujeh of the Grope & Flail... puts on this non-story.
Key members of Progressive Canadians to join federal Liberals

-- OTTAWA -- The entire executive and many senior members of the small political party formed by Progressive Conservatives who rejected the merger with the Canadian Alliance have decided to join the Liberals.

The Progressive Canadian Party, which expropriated the PC logo and adhered to the ideals of the old Tory party, will likely continue, said Tracy Parsons, who quit as party leader two weeks ago.
I've never even heard of this party... never mind Tracy Parsons. Maybe that's because they're dead even with the Rhinos with... how many... oh yeah, zero seats in Parliament.

According to our intrepid gal reporter though... this changes everything.
But Ms. Parsons will be taking out a Liberal membership, as will party president Jim Love, the four other members of the executive, several members of the national council, all of the CPC's Quebec organizers and many riding presidents.
Yeah, Gloria... I bet the power-brokers in Ottawa will be up all night worrying about this one.

Tracy who?

I can't wait for your next fake-scary headline.

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