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13 November 2007

I'm just waiting...

For some bottom-feeding leftbot lawyer... to start yammering about the Charter of Rights and free speech.
-- BELLEVILLE -- Veterans say they're "very disgusted" with the actions of a 24-year-old man who allegedly spat on a Belleville war memorial on Remembrance Day.

Moments before vets were set to march off to a service to remember their fallen comrades Sunday morning, the man wandered up a path at Belleville Armouries to the cenotaph and spat on the stone memorial. A Belleville police officer witnessed the act and arrested the man. The man was brought to police headquarters on criminal charges.
Government sponsored whorehouses, medical facilities where junkies can shoot up in comfort... and a condescending, delusional "everyone is beautiful, in their own way" ethic... continues to lead us down this dark, overgrown garden path.
"I'm very disgusted about the whole thing," said World War II veteran and the regiment's honourary lieutenant-colonel, Bob Wigmore.

Charged with mischief and breach of probation is Ryan Kish, a Belleville resident with no fixed address.

RELATED: The other side of the coin


LAST WORD: Duty, honour, country
"Now I keep thinking of the old man with whom I waited 63 years ago. Wherever he is now, in 1987 he was still sitting an arm's length away from me at Sunnybrook Hospital.

It took him 50 days to make the 10-mile trip from the beaches to Caen, and I can write this column only because he got there in time."

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