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13 November 2007

I guess he'd rather have...

A little girl on girl action...

Ok, folks... settle down... feminist and all-around shining ethical model "Slick Willie" is just being chivalrous.
It’s a Southern thing, not a gender thing.

That was the explanation from Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign for a new remark by former President Bill Clinton, who had this to say yesterday about his wife’s (all-male) presidential rivals: “Those boys have been getting tough on her lately.”
Yeah... take it easy, guys... she's just a girl.
Operatives in all three camps argued that the Clintons were keeping a “boys vs. girl” story line alive to try to stoke sympathy for Mrs. Clinton — something Clinton advisers emphatically deny.

An Edwards spokesman, Chris Kofinis, said, “With all due respect, there’s nothing really tough about answering questions — John Edwards does it every day.”