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03 October 2007

You know there are real issues...

When France is suddenly the toughest kid on the block.
-- BRUSSELS, Oct 3 (Reuters) -- France's foreign minister called on the European Union to take the lead in widening financial sanctions on Iran, insisting the world could not afford to wait for U.N. action to rein in Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

Major powers last week delayed a U.N. vote on tougher sanctions on Iran until late November at the earliest. Russia, which holds a veto in the U.N. Security Council, backed the case for more negotiations with Tehran.
I don't get Russia and China propping up the Iranians here. They're a whole lot closer to the coming proliferation than we are. Hard to believe they're willing to take this sort of chance... just to stick a thumb in America's eye.
In a letter to fellow EU ministers, Kouchner appealed to the 27-member bloc to start exploring new sanctions now.

"Time is against us, because each day Iran gets closer to mastering enrichment technology, in other words to having a de facto military nuclear capacity," Kouchner said.
Something has to be done... and soon.

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