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03 October 2007

In Dalton McGuinty's fiberal paradise...

There's no such thing as a bad man...
Two men have been spared jail terms for their role in a high-speed accident that left an 8-year-old Richmond Hill girl an orphan.

Her parents Rob and Lisa Manchester, aged 46 and 43, were out celebrating their 17th wedding anniversary May 27, 2006, when a car, going 20 to 32 kilometres an hour over the speed limit, slammed into the Richmond Hill couple's vehicle.

Ruben Rodrigues, 22, the driver of the car that struck the Manchesters, had pleaded guilty to two counts of dangerous driving causing death.

Marco Gasparro, 19, the driver of the second car, had pleaded guilty to dangerous driving.
So what does killing a couple of people net you in Dalton McGuinty's warm, fuzzy-bunny Ontario?
He sentenced Rodrigues to a conditional sentence of two years less a day, to be served in his home, when he's not working or attending school.

Gasparro was given two years' probation, fined $2,000, ordered to perform 100 hours of community service and banned from driving for 18 months.